این متن برای شعار شرکت می باشد

gang way

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One of the big problems in Iranian wharves was the lack of access ladders to access the tugs, which were used simply or with a lower safety factor and lower performance, and due to sanctions, had to be designed and built in Iran. According to the special conditions in Iran, I designed and built it according to their needs. I designed and built this step by testing the stairs in the wharf several times and fixing the existing problems in it and the suggestions of the officials to improve it. It is used for the first time in Iran.

By this gangway, people pass from floats and tugs to the pier or from the piers to the float. This design does not exist in the world and for the first time, it is designed and built from the potential capabilities available in the country and the powerful handguns of an Iranian using the docks.